Starting somewhere...

Starting somewhere...

The year is 2022 and yes, I've started a blog. One might argue that to start one this late in the game is a waste of time, and they'd probably be right. So then, why even try? Well, to answer that in layman terms... Why not?

My name isn't important, nor is the content I will be sharing. What is important is the reason I feel the need to do this. I'm not much different than many of my hometown friends. I grew up in a semi-small town, had only a handful of friends, and my hobbies mainly consisted of staring at a screen for several hours in a day. Uneventful in many ways. However, when I had the chance to leave this small town for a massive city I was really unprepared for, I had this feeling deep in the pit of my stomach that something was about to change.

I was right.

A year after my arrival in Los Angeles, I was homeless, living in a car between parking lots in Santa Monica, trying to land film gigs that would at the very least feed me for the day. It put a whole new spin on working for "exposer." It took six long months to dig myself out of the hole, all while studying at a for-profit film school hoping to become the next Christopher Nolan or something. It nearly killed me...

I'm thankful for that opportunity to live that way. It taught me the importance to live without much, to show me what being hungry was really like. I'll never forget the lessons I learned throughout that time.

Which brings me to now. In my life, my biggest teachers were not classes in a university, nor were they online videos, but instead the city's and people within them that taught me how to live. Arguably, what have made me what I am today.

Banderoism, is more than a brand site aimed at showcasing my travels, but instead a sort of way of life from a nomads perspective. Be warned, I'm in no way a good writer nor have prior training of any kind here, but hell, we all gotta start somewhere right.

Things will be up and running here shortly, but in the meantime please consider a subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published! Thanks for the love and support!