Dark & Light - Video Post

Dark & Light - Video Post

I've always been fascinated with the duality between life and death. It’s a fine balance that each of us walk every day, and in a way, I've felt that religion was a way to cope with that unescapable reality.

In Mexico, that feeling of duality is very present. Every restaurant, convenience store or even on the street, you'll run into a patron saint of something watching over its people in what many outsiders would believe to be a dangerous place. Don't get me wrong, there are parts of Mexico that folks like me do not belong, nor would be welcomed, but for the most part, Mexico in general is a very hospitable place. American news has really screwed up the image for our neighbors to the south, yet many of my encounters have been with people who just want to share their culture.

The saying, "Mi casa es tu casa" rings true here in Mexico.

However, there's plenty of sketch encounters that are worthy of mentioning. Being followed around in Mexico City, having a drink with a couple Narcos in Guadalajara, and a taxi driver nearly flying us off a cliff in Guanajuato. Not my idea of a good time, mostly.

Anyways, felt like creating a mixture of the constant Catholic vibe with a reminder of what death looks like. This video was cut from a string of random videos I had taken along my journey here in Mexico. Alongside a song from Nirvana, after finishing the video I felt empty and depressed again. Probably the music's fault.

Anyway, I've liked some of the video locations down below if you ever have a chance to visit. Defiantly worth your time if you're in the area.

Video Locations: In chronological order

Would be awesome to hear your thoughts on the video, or even suggestions about what to write about. Just kinda figuring this out. Thanks!